You’ve finished your Soul Whip and you’re left with a beautiful crystal. Now what? 

That’s the best part! They’ve worked in your soap to soothe your mind, body and soul while you wash and now you get to continue the benefits outside the bathroom!

Follow our 3 easy steps below to get the most out of your new crystals:

  • Wash your crystal

    The first thing you want to do is unwrap your crystal from its protective plastic and wash your crystal under running water.

    Water is said to neutralise any negative energy stored inside the stone and return it back to the earth. Ensure that your stone is completely submerged before patting dry.

  • Energise your crystal

    Following a wash, we recommended energising your crystal in natural light before using it to continue its healing work.

    Aim to set your stone out on a sunny windowsill before nightfall and bring it in before 11am. This will allow your stone to bathe in the light of both the moon and sun.

  • Set your intentions

    You’ve followed the first two steps and restored your crystal back to its former glory. Now, what do you do with it?

    Although we believe crystals have innate healing properties, it’s important to spend time setting an intention for your crystal to help you connect and get the most out of its energy.

    Try holding your crystal in your hand as you meditate or lay back and rest the crystal on the chakra area of the body that you wish to work with.

Crystals are powerful, just like you!