Pink Agate

Healing: A beautiful stone that is full of healing energy. Its vibrational energy has the power to change your life in many ways.

We believe this stone is the epitome of emotional support. It protects you from negative energy while helping you transform your way of thinking. It can soothe anger and distress and replace those emotions with positivity and light.

This stone can also help you to realise that you’re holding on to energy that is weighing you down. This may come to light during meditation with Pink Agate or if you possess this stone, it may happen at any time. But this isn’t a negative thing. It can bring about a wave of relief and lightness once realisation occurs.

Pink Agate frees emotional ties that bind you, which can improve your overall awareness and ability to focus. It can even make you more accepting to loving energy that surrounds you.

An added bonus of Pink Agate is said to be its impact on parents and children. They call this stone the protector of children and it can enhance the connection between parents and their kids. Pink Agate strengthens bonds to help parents create loving memories that last.

Astrological Sign: Gemini, Capricorn, and Scorpio

Chakra: Heart

Affirmation: "I am ready to let go of negative energy that is weighing me down. I’m open to letting go."


Apricot Agate

