Healing: Opalite symbolizes clear thinking, new beginnings, and childlike glee. It’s the perfect stone for a quick mood boosts, the ability to turn a frown into a smile, and the light of a clear blue sky.
Opalite comprises of two primary colours, blue and white, which come together to form its unique shine. Together they stand for openness, calmness, and purity.
Whether you're placing Opalite on the navel, forehead, head or sacred altar, it brightens and shines any energy around it, giving a pure beauty and cheer. Opalite is also very useful in meditation because it will give off a very calming and soothing energy.
Astrological Sign: Libra
Chakra: Crown & Third eye
Affirmation: "I am stress relief. I am peace, love and serenity."